Starting once again

Indeed, after almost 12 months, I am back to writing here again. I am sitting in a trotro seat yet inside my little room in my quiet neighbourhood (let’s leave that story for later).

A quick one:

  1. I decided to take time off to nurture and build another blog. Yes, another one!
  2. I took time from that one to pursue more creative writing for publication in online magazines and journals. That went well till I received a huge chunk of rejections (Rejections are very normal in that line of work so save the “aww” and “sorry”).
  3. Interestingly, I fell into a little bit of journalism and writing for websites too (The reason I wear UV lenses now).
  4. The last part is the reason for today’s blog.

Months ago, I chanced upon a program I was only intrigued by. I sent the call to another friend of mine, Mr. Tong, who happened to be overly excited about it and pushed me to apply.

We went through the tests and interviews around the same time, but he received his acceptance many weeks before I did. Let’s just say I was not particularly enthused about the program till it started. At the end of the day, I became an Azubi Africa Data Analysis Cohort (or whatever the positioning is… too lazy to check my mail).

Excel, KNIME, SQL and Python


I never knew this application was so complex till I saw the Power Pivot and the maps. (I mean, data visualization pro-max for me). I had no idea I could do those number of things with Microsoft Excel.


It is somewhat new and it is very multidimensional. It can do a WHOLE LOT: from data visualisation to analysis and then machine learning modelling. It is what every beginning data science learner should add to their list of “doables”.

Oh, this software began all my troubles with my new laptop ** insert sad face**.

However, this is where I knew I would just like to stick to many things aside from machine learning. I am sorry but my “tech bro” journey may not include venturing into the hinterlands of machine learning.

SQL and Python

I like these two. I like they make me feel like a certified “tech bro” who makes 6 figures just typing codes and drinking coffee at 3am whiles listening to a mystical playlist on Spotify.

Speaking of, I have my last week of Case study and labs to do for Python and I will be done, unofficially.

Anything new?

Yes! Your uncle from another family decided to enroll in the ALX Virtual Assistant program. If you know me, you would know how my professional life began as an Executive/Personal/Admin assistant.

Being something I did for close to two years unofficially, I found the course content for the program very insightful so I decided to join hands with what I will call “my largest class”.

I decided to start this online journal to detail my path into this new program, my ups and downs, my recommendations to any organization hoping to do something similar, and my new life.

It will be a gruelling and exciting 8 weeks to come, and I am hoping to be ready after I get a good long weekend’s sleep.

Welcome to a new phase of Wofa! Wishing all my readers the very best of reading pleasure!

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