Sometimes they have to know. Not because it is the most selfish thing to do,
But because they knowing makes them realise how much it is at stake.

Me: I chose you
I knew the risks
I chose you
I made you the one

It took me time, space, energy, and a lot of thinking
Not because you were the perfect one
Not because you had the best brains
But it is something I can’t figure out that made me stay
Figuring that thing out could bring consequences

That not withstanding, there are things I love about you.
Things that you do that make me blush
Words you speak that make my inner walls tremble
The way you look at me that makes me shudder in desire
Those things I can see and say
But for that within, let’s leave it there.

I chose you
Not because I couldn’t have had anyone else
But because what you brought was all I needed
Who you were was all I ever wanted

I may have chosen you because you made me fight
You made me fight myself
You made me fight my weakness to stay on top
You caused me to shred every bit of doubt there was

Know this, however,
When I broke those walls to allow you in
A lot of others saw the opportunity too
You had become my security against them
Don’t forget that letting my guard down wasn’t only to my benefit
But to my detriment as well

Me: I chose you
The way you made me feel was different
Intangible, deep, uncomfortable sometimes
But in a good day all in all
I chose you because I loved you

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